OWL = Ophthalmology Women in Louisville
OWL is a an organization founded in 2012 by Shlomit Schaal, M.D., Ph.D. OWL’s mission is to develop a collegial forum for women in ophthalmology in Louisville with the goal of offering networking and mentoring.
How and When was OWL Founded?
OWL has long been an idea in the minds of many women simultaneously. In September 2012, female ophthalmology residents, Dr. Sarita Kishore and Dr. Brooke Nesmith, approached faculty member Dr. Shlomit Schaal with a request to meet and discuss unique matters that relate to professional women in ophthalmology. In November 2012 the first annual meeting of OWL was held with the active participation of 19 ladies in ophthalmology, form the community, and from academics.
Who may Join OWL?
All women in ophthalmology in Louisville who would like to be members may join. It is hoped that the talents of community ophthalmologists and academic ophthalmologists who are accomplished women as clinicians, teachers, role models, and friends will inspire other women ophthalmologists within this new organization. Women should be committed to OWL’s mission of collegiality, education, and career guidance.
Guest Speaker
Dr. Toni Ganzel, Dean of University of Louisville School of Medicine, gave a stimulating talk to OWL members. In her talk “Pathways to Leadership” she shared some of the lessons she had learned in her way of becoming the Dean. Dean Ganzel was awarded an honorary OWL membership.

Your Support
Currently, only 9 percent of ophthalmologists in Louisville are women. Are you a female or male ophthalmologist who supports the promotion of professional women? Are you a female ophthalmologists who wants to meet to discuss and share some of the professional challenges you face? Are you just getting started in your career, and wish you had a female mentor or two? Join our November annual meetings and let your voice be heard.
To Join OWL
Please contact:
Shorye Payne, MD