Christopher Compton, MD

Christopher Compton, MD
For Provider Information click here
Residency Program Director
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology – Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Clinical evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of orbital and periorbital trauma and disease processes. These disease processes include aesthetic and reconstructive surgery specializing in the face, orbits, eyelids and lacrimal system, specifically: ophthalmic Graves’ disease, repair of oculofacial/orbital trauma, development and reconstruction of the anophthalmic socket, correction of eyelid malposition, and tearing/lacrimal outflow issues.
Kentucky Lions Eye Center
301 E. Muhammad Ali Boulevard, Louisville, KY 40202
Telephone: 502-588-0550 Fax: 502-588-0553
The Springs Medical Center
6400 Dutchmans Parkway, Suite 301, Louisville, KY 40205
Telephone: 502-742-2848 Fax: 502-742-2623
MD – University of Alabama Birmingham
University of Alabama Birmingham
Oculofacial Plastic & Orbital Surgery – University of Louisville
Oculofacial Plastic & Orbital Surgery – Indiana University
American Board of Ophthalmology
American Academy of Ophthalmology
American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Greater Louisville Medical Society
Kentucky Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeon
Currently investigating the use of different non-porous orbital implants for orbital fracture repair. I am also involved in studying the pathophysiologic and immunologic differences in the subtypes of ophthalmic Graves’ disease. Additional recent interests include developing novel surgical techniques for floppy eyelid syndrome and paralytic lagophthalmos from facial nerve palsy.
Compton CJ, Melson AT, Clark JD, Shipchandler TH, Nunery WR, et al. Combined Medial Canthopexy and Lateral Tarsal Strip for Floppy Eyelid Syndrome. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2016 May-Jun;37(3):240-4
- Compton CJ, Clark JD, Nunery WR, Lee HB. Recession and Extirpation of the Lower Eyelid Retractors for Paralytic Lagophthalmos.
- Compton CJ, Clark JD, Thompson MP, Nunery WR et al. Nodular Fasciitis of the Orbit. Opthal Plast Reconstr Surg [2014 Nov 12 Epub ahead of print]
- Timoney PJ, Clark JD, Compton CJ, Nunery WR, et al. Foreign Body Granuloma Following Orbital Reconstruction with Porous Polyethylene. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg [2014 Nov 12 Epub ahead of print]
- Vicinanzo MG, Allamneni C, Compton CJ, Long JA, Nabavi CB. The Prevalence of Air Regurgitation and Its Consequences After Conjunctivo-dacryocystorhinostomy with Lester Jones Tube and Dacryocystorhinostomy with Silicone Intubation Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2015 Jul-Aug;31(4):269-71.
- Tao JP, Patel A, Compton CJ, et al. Lateral tarsoconjunctival flap lower eyelid suspension in facial nerve paresis. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Vol 30, Issue 4, pp342-345.
- Nabavi CB, Long JA, Compton CJ, Vicinanzo MG. A Novel Surgical Technique for the Treatment of Giant Fornix Syndrome. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, Vol 29, Issue 1, pp63-6
- Dinsmore A, Compton CJ, Kline L, Bhatti MT. I’m Stuffed; Visual Loss after Trans-sphenoidal adenomectomy. Surv Ophthalmol. 2013 Aug 1
- Mason JO, Gupta SR, Compton CJ, et al. Comparison of Hemorrhagic Complications of Warfarin and Clopidogrel Bisulfate in 25-Gauge Vitrectomy versus a Control Group. Ophthalmology, Vol 118, Issue 3, pp543-547. (March 2011)
- Hawthorne KM, Compton CJ, Vaphiades MS, Roberson GH, Kline LB. Ocular Motor and Imaging Abnormalities of Midbrain Dysfunction in Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology, Vol 29, Issue 4, pp296-299, December 2009.
- Vattoth S, Compton CJ, Roberson GH, Vaphiades MS. Susac Syndrome: A Differential Diagnosis for Demyelination. Neurosciences, Vol 18, Issue 1, January 2013.