Charles C. Barr, M.D.

Charles C. Barr, M.D.
Professor of Ophthalmology
For Provider Information click here
Age-related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retina Diseases, Retinal Detachment.
301 E. Muhammad Ali Boulevard, Louisville KY 40202
Telephone: 502-852-5466 Fax: 502-852-8550
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Md, 1975
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami Fla., 1976 -1979
Retina: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Wilmer Eye Institute, 1979, Ophthalmic Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 1980
American Board of Ophthalmology, 1980
Senior Honor Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology, President, Kentucky Academy of Eye Physicians, Chairman, Board of Trustees, American Printing House for the Blind
American Academy of Ophthalmology, Senior Honor Award
Retina Society – President-elect
Macula Society – Executive Committee
Kentucky Academy of Eye Physicians, Past-president
American Printing House for the Blind, Chairman, Board of Trustees
My research interests have been in different areas of retinal disease.
Since 1983, I have been a principal investigator in multicenter clinical trials regarding Retinopathy of Prematurity.(ROP). This is a retinal vascular disease that affects premature infants; I have led the team in Louisville in the CRYO-ROP study, the STOP-ROP study, the ETROP study , and currently the E-ROP study. These are multicenter trials evaluating different therapies for ROP.
I have been principle investigator in clinical trials evaluating treatment for infections of the eye (Endophthalmitis) and complex retinal detachment (Proliferative Vitreo-Retinopathy).
I was the Principle Investigator for the MARINA Study, which tested the use of Lucentis for Age –related Macular Degeneration, and am currently the Principle Investigator for the Complications of Age-related Macular Degeneration Treatment Trial, which is evaluating the use of Avastin and Lucentis to treat Macular Degeneration.
We have recently published or are in the process of publishing studies on macular holes, retained lens fragments, retinal detachment and epiretinal membranes.
PUBLICATIONS: (15 selected publications from 110)
- Barr CC, Peyman GA, et al.: Retinal Breaks: Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques. London, England, Dunitz LTD, Chapter 2:11-20, 2000.
- Mohay J, Barr CC. Phacoanaphylaxis EMedicine Chapter (, 2000.
- Barr CC. “Retinal Breaks” in Peyman, G.A. (ed) Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques, London, MartinDunitz, 2001, pp 11 – 20.
- Barr CC. Another Pain in the Neck? Retina. 2001;21(6):571. PMID: 1175687
- Barr CC. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges. Retina, The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases, Volume 22, number 2:209-210, 2002.
- Shrier EM, Barr CC, Grabowski GA. Vitreous opacities and retinal vascular abnormalities in Gaucher disease. Arch Ophthalmol. 2004 Sep;122(9):1395-8. PMID: 15364726
- Repka MX, Tung B, Good WV, Shapiro M, Capone A Jr, Baker JD, Barr CC, Phelps DL, van Heuven WA. Outcome of eyes developing retinal detachment during the Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity Study (ETROP). Arch Ophthalmol. 2006 Jan;124(1):24-30. PMID: 16401781
- Wells EJ, Franco LM, Price CT, Graham JE, Barr CC. Effect of blood on susceptibility to Staphylococcal Endophthalmitis. Retina. 2007 Oct;27(8):1125-30.PMID: 18040257
- Barr, CC. Reflections on a Unique Group of Physicians (Editorial) Retinal Physician, 5: page 8, 2008.
- Heroman JW, Rychwalski P, Barr CC. Cherry red spot in sialidosis (mucolipidosis type I). Arch Ophthalmol. 2008 Feb;126(2):270-1. PMID: 18268224
- Schaal S, Barr CC. Management of macular holes: a comparison of 1-year outcomes of 3 surgical techniques. Retina. 2009 Sep;29(8):1091-6. PMID: 19357554
- Schaal S, Sherman, M, Barr, CC and Kaplan, HJ. Primary Retinal Detachment Repair – Comparison of One Year Outcomes of Four Surgical Techniques. Accepted Retina, November 2010.
- Randolph, J, Heroman, J and Barr, CC Choroidal melanoma Masquerading as Choroidal Neovascular Membrane, Submitted, Arch Ophthalmol, January 2010
- Maguire MG, Alexander J, Fine SL; Complications of Age-related Macular Degeneration Prevention Trial (CAPT) Research Group. Characteristics of choroidal neovascularization in the complications of age-related macular degeneration prevention trial. Ophthalmology. 2008 Sep;115(9):1468-73, 1473.e1-2. Epub 2008 May 16. PMID: 18486222
- Schaal, S. and Barr CC. Management of Retained Lens fragments after cataract surgery with and without Pars plana vitrectomy. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2009 May;35(5):863-7. PMID: 19393885